Nappy rash – how to avoid? Tips and advice for the parents

Having an infant at your home is always a blessing for you as he always keeps all of you entertained at your home. But at the same time, having an infant is also a great responsibility for you as a parent and you need to be quite careful about the health aspect of your toddler. With the kids, frequent wetness is quite common and thus most of you tend to make use of the nappies for the kids. These nappies help in controlling the wetness but they have an adverse impact of their own as well.
Nappy rash is quite a common problem that most of the kids are experiencing and sometimes they are very painful as well. It is quite irritating for the baby and may also lead to skin infection which is quite fatal for the baby. Especially when the kid has a very sensitive skin, then the problems tend to increase for you as the phenomenon of nappy rash is more common in the kids. So, as a parent it is your duty to take better care of your kid and make sure that you can avoid the nappy rash for as long as you can.
Here are some of the common tips that will help you to avoid the nappy rash –
Changing the nappies at frequent intervals – One of the first things that you shall get to do in order to avoid the nappy rash is changing the same at regular intervals. You shall develop a habit of changing the nappies at an interval of 2 hours for kids younger than six months and four hours for kids elder than that.
If you keep changing the nappies at regular intervals, then the chance of him getting wet is that much lesser. Thus, the chances of rashes and irritation are also very less. So, make sure that you develop the habit of changing the nappies regularly and ensure that your kid has no any rash problem like the other kids.
Making use of the disposable nappies – Another thing that you shall get to do in order to avoid the nappy rash is making use of the disposable nappies. You all know very well that the skin of the babies is quite sensitive and thus making use of the same nappy time and again enhances the chances of allergy and irritation. Thus, you are better of making use of the disposable nappies.
These disposable nappies are easily available in the market and you need not to spend a great deal of time searching for the same. But before buying them, you shall make a check on the quality so that it is not having any adverse impact on your kid’s skin. There are some nappies that are not suitable to the skin of your baby and you shall restrain from buying such nappies.
Use alcohol free soaps for washing the baby –It is another very important thing that you shall get to do if you are looking to avoid the nappy rash on the buttocks of your baby. You shall make use of the soaps that have a neutral pH so that it does not get to react with the same. With the alcohol soaps, they will react with the skin of the kid and cause irritation on the same. This is why the doctors recommend the special soaps for the kids. But as a parent, you shall also make a check on the content of the soaps before buying one for your baby.
Making use of the protective cream – It is a common practice that most of you tend to adapt to in order to prevent the skin of your baby from any kind of rashes. But you shall make sure that you are making use of the cream that is suitable to the skin of the baby and does not have any adverse impact. You can seek the advice from your doctor on the same before making use of one. He will recommend you with the perfect solution for avoiding the nappy rash without having any adverse impact.
There are some of the other things as well that you shall get to do in order to avoid the baby rash. You shall not put plastic on the back of the nappy as it is quite irritating when wet. At the same time, you shall also preferably wash the nappies in machine and dry them in tumble drier than drying them in the sun’s light and heat.
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