Pregnancy Week – 40
Well, happy due date to you!!!! As this is the official deadline of pregnancy, you should now fully be ready for your child. If you have some last minute touch ups, then go for them. Make sure your cellphone is fully charged every time.

Well, happy due date to you!!!! As this is the official deadline of pregnancy, you should now fully be ready for your child. If you have some last minute touch ups, then go for them. Make sure your cellphone is fully charged every time. Take care that you have made the bassinet, installed the baby car set and done all your packing. This week is mentally rough for a few mothers. But, do not extra stress yourself.
How big is your 40 weeks baby?
Your due date may be about to come or gone. Your baby is fully developed, but the doctors won’t suggest induction till 41 week. Your baby is comfortable in there. The hair continues to get thicker and the nails continue to grow. The average height is 51.2cm and weight is 3.5kgs. He is just like a small pumpkin.
Your baby has two soft spots on their head which helps her ease her way along the birth canal. Your baby will immediately start reacting to you, the moment she is born. She will be born with 70 natural abilities and reflexes to survive out of your womb.
Pregnancy belly week 40
Your belly is highly distended as the uterus occupies all the space. Your stretch marks are developed to their fullest. You may have pruritic urticarial papules which is a kind of rash developed on the stretch marks on your belly.
Pregnancy symptoms week 40
- Cramping in legs: Your calf and hamstring may feel a lot of load and pelvic pressure and start to ache.
- Sleep problems: You should opt for some calming activities in order to get sufficient sleep at night
- Tiredness: You may feel a lot of tiredness in this week. Make sure you take power naps to relax yourself.
- Anxiety: You may anxious all the time because of your baby.
- Swollen feet and hands: Prop your hands and feet for an hour so that the inflammation goes away. Do some stretching and circle your ankles.
- Effacement: it is called cervical dilation. The cervix starts getting smaller to allow the baby to leave the uterus. it begins to open. This process goes on at the time of labor contractions.
- Change in the activity of your baby: The baby starts getting restless and impatient to come out. You may feel him wriggling, rolling and nudging.
- Diarrhea: You may have loose bowels this week because of the contractions in your belly.
Pregnancy ultrasound week 40
This may be your last screening with your doctor. You will see a fully-developed child. If you go for 3D or 4D ultrasound, you will see eyebrows, hair and genitals clearly. You may also undergo a non-stress test to know how your baby is doing and if it can bear the labor rigors or not.
Pregnancy lifestyle week 40
- By this week, you are all set to bring your young one to this world. Your friends and relatives may be coming to visit you daily. Make sure this final period is completely stress-free. Get comfortable pregnancy bra to ensure your tender boobs are comfortable.
- Eat easy diet so that you don’t stress your digestive tract a lot. Eat nutritious snacks and healthy meals. Drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated. And, if the doctor has suggested no complications, then enjoy sexual intercourse with your partner.
Pregnancy checklist week 40
- Schedule your 41 week prenatal appointment
- Speak to your doctor about induction options
- If your doctors suggest, go for a non-stress test.
- Check if all the postnatal supplies are available
- Read about mother’s experience with childbirth.
- Choose a name for your baby, if you have found out about the gender.
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