How to Take Care of your Infant in the Rainy Season?

Here are a few useful tips that mothers can follow to keep their baby healthy during the monsoon season.

How to Take Care of your Infant in the Rainy Season?
Baby Care in the Rainy Season

For many new parents, this might be the first monsoon for your baby and, if he’s of the appropriate age, the experience of seeing rain might bring immense happiness to him. But everyone knows that the rains bring uninvited guests in the form of disease-spreading germs and mosquitoes that have now become ubiquitous with the arrival of the monsoons. Childcare in the rainy season needs to be stepped up a notch in such cases.

Baby Care in the Monsoon Season – Useful Tips for New Parents

There are a couple of things that need to be taken into account to keep him safe. Some of them are to be applied while travelling outside, while others need to be taken care of within the home itself.

Outdoor Care

Here’s what you can do to ensure proper care outside your home.

1. Avoid dirty areas

Don’t go to areas where there are a lot of puddles and mud if you can avoid them. Stroll closer to your home or in the vicinity of your house itself.

2. Stay away from crowds

Any places with a lot of people have a higher chance of people carrying infection to be present as well and spreading it further. Stay away from these for your and your baby’s well-being.

3. Opt for a portable sanitizer

Since you can’t always find clean water when you’re outside, make sure you carry a small bottle of sanitizer and use it to clean your hands whenever handling the baby.

4. Mosquito protection is a must

As evenings dawn, mosquitoes can quickly hone into playing children and bite them. Go for full-sleeved shirts and pants for your baby and use mosquito creams to keep them away, too.

Also Read - Foods to boost your child's immunity during monsoon

5. Playing outdoors responsibly

If your child wants to enjoy the rains, let him do so for a stipulated period of time. Advise him to keep away from dirty areas and have fun in the vicinity of your home. Let them dry up as soon as they are back.

6. Vaccinations are the best protection

Many doctors recommend getting a flu booster shot when the monsoons are around. If your child is yet to finish his schedule or has a low immunity than others, getting a booster vaccine can be quite beneficial.

7. Carry safe and healthy food options along

Any food available outside cannot be judged on hygienic preparation techniques and storage. Always carry a bottle of boiled water from home, and some formula or solids, which you can give to your baby safely.

8. Avoid the rains if you have a cold

This is a little difficult when your child loves rains a lot. But keep him away from rains as much as possible and try alternating it with a nice warm water bath instead.

Also Read - Best home remedies to treat fever in children

Playing in the rain and setting down paper boats are what most childhood memories are made of.By taking the right baby care tips in monsoon, the little toddlers can make the best of the weather as well and you can be assured of their health and safety, too.