Important precautions for a healthy pregnancy
While pregnancy time, every woman must take proper care of herself to stay healthy. Here are some precautions you should take while you are pregnant.

During pregnancy, every woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby without having any complications during delivery time of giving birth to a baby. But, these nine months of keeping the child in womb is very crucial and the pregnant woman should take proper precautions related to everything, so that the mother herself and the child both remain healthy.
During your pregnancy one thing you're not going to be short of unsolicited advice from others. However, these advices are often conflicting and you end up back to where you started. So if you are getting confused regarding what should you do? Don't worry; you've come to the right place. Here are some things you should avoid when pregnant.
Beneficial or Detrimental? Well, the reports related to the effects of caffeine on a fetus have been conflicting. Some reposts say that caffeine is harmful to the fetus and can cause miscarriages, premature delivery and low birth weights, while other repots deny any such connection. Drinking small amounts of caffeine is fine - but too much of it should be avoided. As long as you stay below the 300mg of caffeine a day mark, it will be fine. Different coffees contain different amounts of caffeine but in general drink no more than two cups a day. Remember that tea, colas and other soft drinks, and chocolate, all contain caffeine.
Soaking in a hot tub or going in for a steam or sauna session may seem like the perfect way to relax and pamper yourself at this time, but this is not a good idea. Any activity that raises your body temperature should be avoided, especially during your first trimester. Sure, you could take a hot shower, but make sure you get out of there as soon as possible.
Avoid eating heaty foods like ginger, honey etc. Soak almonds overnight in water before eating. Fish containing high levels of mercury should be avoided. Also, avoid eating uncooked cheese or unpasteurized milk and its products, as these often contain bacteria that may be harmful to your unborn baby.
Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
Abstain from alcohol and cigarettes during your pregnancy periods. If you want to drink then take red wine - in limits - that is your safest bet. A few glasses of red wine a week should be fine, but in general alcohol is best avoided. Don't smoke even a single cigarette during your pregnancy. If your husband or partner smokes, make sure he smokes outdoors. Passive smoking can be just as bad for your baby.
Drugs too are off limits. Consult to your doctor before taking any medication. Some OTC drug as Disprin are generally thought to be safe but don't take anything without asking your doctor. Your doctor may suggest alternate medication which would be less harmful to the fetus.
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