Pregnancy Week – 27
The 27th week in your pregnancy gives you a futuristic view to enter the third trimester. Now you are all set to say goodbye to the second trimester.

The 27th week in your pregnancy gives you a futuristic view to enter the third trimester. Now you are all set to say goodbye to the second trimester. Your baby is breathing, okay it is the amniotic fluid, but she is! Surpassing and reaching week 27th of pregnancy is a milestone in itself for you and your beginning marking the start of the final pregnancy stage!
How big is your 27 week baby?
Your baby now weights 890gms about the size of a lettuce and possibly measures more than 36.6cm from head to toe. This is an amazing week for your baby as she will open her eyes. Now she is enjoying the regular phases of sleep and wake. You will not feel rhythmic movement in uterus maybe because your baby is having hiccups. It is normal, do not worry! She will now feel your movements as you do all through the day. Your baby will gain half a kg more in the coming week.
Pregnancy belly week 27
With your belly growing bigger and bigger, you need to be more attentive to skincare. Nourish your stretch marks with lotion or olive oil. If you hydrate your stretch marks, they will be less visible.
Your belly button is completely out by now and may be noticeable from your clothes. You may have dark line on your belly. It is common and doesn’t have any negative impact on your baby’s health.
Pregnancy symptoms week 27
- When you reach week 27 of your pregnancy, the symptoms you may experience include:
- Change in your breasts: You may see that areola, the dark part of your breast has gone darker and it has further covered up half of the breast. It visually directs the child towards their feed.
- Mood swings: They are not new, but in your 27th week of pregnancy, they wont be as frequent as in your first trimester.
- Feeling constipated or bloated: Progesterone may slow your bowel movement and make you feel bloated or constipated. Thus, eat a lot of fibre rich diet to lower constipation.
- Change in your skin, nail and hair: Your hair, nail and skin may get thicker or may start growing faster.
- Peeing while sneezing: You may pee while sneezing. As you have a lot of pressure on your bladder, there is not much you can do about it.
- Other than that, you may have more food cravings as you transcend into third trimester. Make sure you do healthy selection of food. Do not eat too spicy or over salty snacks. Shortness of breath and swelling in hands, face, feet and legs are normal.
Pregnancy ultrasound week 27
In the 27th week of your being pregnant, you shouldn’t have to go for an ultrasound, unless there is a problem. The doctor may suggest an ultrasound because of these reasons:
- Lot of baby hiccups
- Less fetal movement
- Overactive baby
- Abnormal swelling
Pregnancy lifestyle week 27
Go for more shopping now and collect all the baby sullies, clothing, stroller, crib for her. Also gather your hospital supplies. By the time you approach week 30, all your hospital supplies should be ready. Remember your pelvic floor. Tone your pelvic floor muscles. As weeks progress, sex gets more and more uncomfortable. Consult your OB before going for it.
Pregnancy Checklist week 27
- Think of hiring a doula or a professional to support you during labor.
- Expect vivid dream because of extra hormones
- Do not ski any meals
- If your present living situation is stressful, know how to manage your stress. Join meditation classes.
- Get a car seat fit in your car and installed nicely.
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