Things to have a watch upon while planning your second baby!!

Family planning is one of the most important aspects for every one of us. We must know the family size which is suitable. Especially when you already have a baby and planning for a second one, you need to be even more careful. There are various high risk elements that are associated with the pregnancy and you need to take care of them while planning the second child as well. You must know the complications that may arise out when you do not follow the advice of the doctor.
Here are some of the tips that will help you to get the best results with your second pregnancy -
Go for a blood Test :
This is one of the first things that you need to do and the doctors will advise you for the same as well. It will help you to confirm the pregnancy and will also let you know the amount of iron content in your blood.
There are high chances of iron deficiency amongst the women during the second pregnancy. Iron is one of the most important ingredients during the pregnancy. The blood requirement in the body is 50% more than the normal days.
Track the ovulation :
This is another important aspect that you need to expect after having your first child. There are hormonal changes that take place after the birth of first child. Due to breastfeeding, the iron content in the body reduces and you cannot expect the same smooth sex life after the first child.
You may need to put in some extra efforts for the conceiving which is why you shall take some extra nutrients.
Losing weight :
Women tend to put on weight just after the birth of first child and in the aftermath of it. This might create problems for you in the daily life and especially when you are trying to conceive again, things become even more difficult.
So, you need to go to the gym and put in some extra yards to make sure that you are fit enough to conceive again.
Educating your partner:
You as a woman know about the hormonal changes that occur as a result of first pregnancy. But your partner is completely unaware of this. So, you need to make him aware about the problems and precautions that shall be looked at.
Timing of the pregnancy :
With most of the couples marrying at a later age these days; things tend to become a bit difficult. It might not be an easy to conceive at an advance age and thus you need to make sure that there is subtle difference between the kids and you are also not overage. You must find the right time and balance to have no complications with pregnancy.
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