Anger during Pregnancy – Its Effects & How To Control Your Anger
Even though it is absolutely normal to feel frustrated and angry sometimes during pregnancy, but continued anger might have certain consequences.

Pregnancy is an exciting time in every woman’s life. While being pregnant can invoke the thrill and joy of having a baby, it can also render the woman vulnerable to feelings of stress, anger, irritation and anxiety. Though it is perfectly normal to feel angry and frustrated at times during pregnancy, continued anger may have certain repercussions. The mother-baby bonding is such that the baby gets to feel all that its mother experiences, including anger.
Aside from this, long-term repressed anger can result in depression – it can not only adversely affect relationships but also cause medical conditions like high blood pressure, ulcers, asthma, headaches, and digestive issues. This can make for an unsafe environment for the baby, which can be detrimental to the pregnancy. It is important for pregnant women to stay positive and calm, and not let the varying emotions overwhelm them in any way.
Certain factors that may cause anger while pregnant are:
- Hormonal Changes
- Stress
- Fear
- Discomfort
Can anger affect the unborn baby?
It is believed that being continually angry during pregnancy affects the baby in the following ways:
- Low birth weight
- Premature delivery
- Unfavorable effect on baby’s temperament (more prone to irritability and depression)
- Higher chances of child being hyperactive
- Restricted cognitive abilities
Prolonged or extreme anger during pregnancy may have the tendency to lead to certain complications, even during delivery.
Effective tips to deal with anger:-
- Healthy diet
During pregnancy, care should be taken to eat healthy and nutritious meals. A balanced diet with lots of proteins and carbohydrates, green leafy vegetables, and fruits will help to maintain the energy levels and combat fatigue and tiredness, resulting in a better mood.
- Regular Exercise
Maintain an active routine during pregnancy by indulging in light exercises or regular walks. Staying active and fit during pregnancy may take care of mood swings and anger by releasing endorphins, keeping you in a happy and positive state of mind.
- Indulge yourself in favorite activities
It is beneficial for pregnant women to indulge in hobbies they enjoy – relaxing or spending time with their friends, going out for movies, painting, listening to music, or gardening can help relieve stress and divert one’s attention to more productive and entertaining things.
- Medication
Pregnant women may take up meditation or yoga to deal with stress and anger. It is advisable to learn deep breathing exercises that will help in releasing tension and calming the self.Deep breathing can be a great stress-buster when done right.
- Massages
Gentle massages can help pregnant women relax, both physically and mentally. Pampering oneself with spa treatments can also ease aching muscles aside from calming the mind.
- Adequate rest
Proper rest and a good night’s sleep are essential during pregnancy. If you are sleep deprived, it will only lead to heightened irritability and may result in angry outbursts. Setting up rest milestones like taking frequent naps, putting your feet up and resting often may prove helpful in ensuring that you get sufficient rest every day.
- Take professional assessments
It is best to seek the help of a counselor or therapist if you are experiencing frequent bouts of extreme anger during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, it is important to ensure that your physical and mental health is doing well. However, efforts should be made to enjoy this thrilling phase of life as much as possible and focus on the happiness of welcoming a beautiful baby.
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