Pregnancy Week – 26
As you enter into third trimester of your pregnancy, you may different with every passing day. There isn’t any rule to whether you feel energized or excited and feel bloated, drained and tired at the same time.

As you enter into third trimester of your pregnancy, you may different with every passing day. There isn’t any rule to whether you feel energized or excited and feel bloated, drained and tired at the same time. However, calm yourself down, now you are just a few weeks away. Now, you are mentally prepared for your new born.
How big is your 26 week baby?
Your baby weighs as much as red cabbage around 760gms. She is now 35.9cm from head to heel and her developing body is supported by her spine. The uterus is getting tighter for your girl and you will feel more uncomfortable when she kicks. She has started responding to your sound and able to hear your voice more distinctly now. Her lungs, vital organs and blood vessels are developing. If you are having a baby boy, then his testicles have started their descent in the scrotum.
The eyelids are sealed shut. Your baby still looks lean but he will gain weight with the fatty supplies in the upcoming weeks. The nostrils have opened which gives him a chance to breathe using the new lungs and muscles.
Pregnancy belly week 26
Majorly, your belly button has now popped out and skin may have got tighter and itchy. If you have been keeping a watch on your diet and eating only nourished food, then your weight gain will only be from 7.5 to 10kgs. The uterus has gone around 2.5 inches above your belly button and from now on, your uterus will grow half an inch every week till the last week of your pregnancy.
Pregnancy symptoms week 26
- During the 26 weeks of your pregnancy, one of the common symptoms which gets stronger and more frequent is the Braxton Hicks contractions. As the baby puts more pressure on the bladder, your urge to visit the bathroom increases.
- You may also experience pain below your ribs and back as the baby is stretching inside your womb and creating strain on these parts. In order ease the ache, change your sitting and laying positions.
- Other symptoms include lot of food cravings. A lot of pregnant women have cravings for spicy food. But make sure you don’t eat too much of it as it may upset your stomach. You may also have leg cramping especially during the night. Make sure you do calf exercises to prevent it. Some other symptoms are trouble in sleeping, headaches and high blood pressure.
Pregnancy ultrasound week 26
Sometimes the ultrasound shows your baby bringing his hand towards his face and you may also see her sticking her tongue out. The fetal movement coordination has improved and now the gender can be assessed with higher accuracy. Your baby is now breathing because the nostrils are opening up, though it is in the amniotic fluid only but she is practicing.
Pregnancy lifestyle week 26
If you have any severe pain in your legs, knees, ribs and back, then inform your doctor. If your sensations make you worried, then also speak to your doctor immediately. If your knees, ankles, face and arms have swollen up to an extent that you can’t wear your footwear or clothes properly, then consult your doctor.
Hydration is very important now. Drink enough water to provide sufficient supply to the amniotic fluid. However, do not forcefully drink water.
The 26th week is the perfect time to plan your babymoon and get a short vacation with your partner before the arrival of the baby.
- Pregnancy checklist week 26
- Look at the things you eat and how often you eat.
- Carry small portable snack wherever you go.
- It is good to go for a walk.
- Book your antenatal classes now, if you haven’t.
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