Heal Nipple Cracks and Breastfeed your Infant Well!!

Heal Nipple Cracks and Breastfeed your Infant Well!!
Sores and cracks on the nipples is one of the common problems that women suffer from. Cracks on nipples emerge when the nipple skin develops any split due to rash or dryness. One of the best solutions to get rid of the problem is rubbing the affected area with pure solution of lemon juice and olive oil throughout the pregnancy period. A mixture of olive oil and lanolin can also prove to be very useful for the disorder. Rubbing lanolin on the nipples serves them with softness only when the patient is non-allergic to it. Another statement from the experts of the field is there is nothing like taking the infant off the breast in case of nipple cracks.
Cracks on nipples makes way for another painful issue called fissure. The problem has to be taken under consideration well before it leads to a huge matter of concern; using nipple shield while breastfeeding is very helpful in situations when it is needed to overcome excessive pressure. Woman suffering from cracked nipples must ensure that the nipple shield she is using is clean and hygienic. Once you start resuming breastfeeding your infant, do not instantly take over like normal feeding. Feed two times a day and slowly take it to three to four with days and then to normal feeding after some days. In case you are suffering most on a single nipple then never hesitate in breastfeeding your child from the second one.
Caring for cracked nipples at stages –
- During nursing session - Feed the baby from the least affected nipple. Applying ice just before latching can help in providing some relief to the woman. A lady should try multiple positions of breastfeeding to identify the most comfortable one and then use that most of the time. In case breastfeeding turns very painful, the female should try express milk from the affected nipple to maintain the supply and avoid chances of mastitis. Hand expression is an option for the case.
- After nursing - Using half spoon salt with some warm water and dipping nipples into the solution is cure of the problem. Make sure that the saline reaches to every affected part. Never continue this for five to ten minutes as it may lead to prolonged soaking and promote cracking and delay healing. After taking saline on the nipples gently dry it using paper towel. Do not clean it with extra pressure as it may add on the cracks. Once the area is dried, quality breast milks and creams under the doctor's supervision must be used for serving softness to the surface of the nipples. The ointment may not be wiped when the baby gets ready for nursing. In case of excess ointment, clean it gently for a hygienic breastfeed.
- In between Nursing - Using breast shells is helpful in case of nipple cracks as it protects the nipples from the dampness of the bra. Keeping nipples exposed to air as much as possible is necessary. Using a non-antibacterial and non fragrance soap once a day for cleaning the wounded surface gently is an expert's advice for the issue.
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