Pregnancy Week – 39

This is the last stretch of your pregnancy. Your baby is fully developed now and is waiting for the right time to come out. You will be experiencing a lot of change in your body.

Pregnancy Week – 39
Pregnancy Week – 39

This is the last stretch of your pregnancy. Your baby is fully developed now and is waiting for the right time to come out. You will be experiencing a lot of change in your body. Moms-to-be start getting impatient by this time. But, this is nature’s way to prepare you for delivery.

How big is your 39 weeks baby?

Your baby is the size of mini-watermelon. He is 50.7cm in length from head to toe and weighs around 3.4 kgs. As soon as he is born, the midwife will weight and check his length. All the organs are healthily developed and his skin is getting thicker and paler. The lungs are getting self-sufficient and he is ready to take his first breath in the world. It may take a some minutes to adopt a normal breathing pattern. You baby may have meconium in their intestine. It is the first poo. If it is a boy, then he may have swollen testicles because of hormones in your body, but it will get normal.

Pregnancy belly week 39

Your belly has now stretched to its fullest. It has occupied all the space in the uterus. Your stretch marks are highly visible on the skin as the skin largely expands to contain the extended womb. You may have itchiness and rashes.

Pregnancy symptoms week 39

  • The A show: The mucus plug which protects the cervix may have got broken and you may have a lot of mucus on your underpants along with blood. It is a sign that your body is preparing for labor.
  • Braxton Hicks contraction: The womb muscles tighten and your tummy gets hard for some time. However, you won’t feel any pain.
  • Pressure in pelvic: The pelvic muscles have a lot of pressure so you may feel uncomfortable and heavy.
  • Nesting urge: Some to-be-moms have an energy to clean their home. However, do not get too crazy for it.
  • Apart from this fatigue, clumsiness and constipation are some of the other symptoms that will show up in this week.
  • The symptoms for labor pain include water breaking as well as regular contractions. You can also induce the labor in your body if there are any problems or complications involved in your delivery. Induction may be suggested if you have placental issues, uterus infection, twin pregnancy or if your water have broken but there is no labor.

Pregnancy ultrasound week 39

The ultrasound of this week will reveal the cephalic position of your baby. It is the head-down posture as your baby is ready to come out. You may see his fingernails and hair along with genitals.

 Pregnancy lifestyle week 39

  • Make sure you eat a healthy diet. Eat 200 calories extra doe your baby. Eat too often and little.
  • Do some pelvic floor exercise to tone your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Sleep safely for your child. Make sure you sleep on your side. Do not sleep on your back as it may enhance the risk of still birth.
  • Make sure your hospital bags are ready
  • Get all the numbers of your emergency dial lists.
  • Keep a taxi or car in the standby position to take you to the hospital.
  • Do not forget to take care of yourself.
  • Drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • You can still have sex in this week, as long as your doctor has suggested any complications.
  • Pregnancy checklist week 39
  • Complete all your duty works and assign your task to someone else.
  • Schedule your 40 week prenatal appointment.
  • Go to birthing classes.
  • Make a list of friends to alert when you are going to deliver the baby.