Pacifiers: Are they good for your baby? Its Pros & Cons
Pacifiers are becoming a rather taboo subject among modern-day parents. Find out Pros & Cons related to use of Pacifiers

The utilization of pacifiers in breastfed babies is always controversial. There are so many strong opinions both for and against it but, ultimately it's a personal decision. Each child is different, with unique needs and abilities. Some babies can go back and forth between breastfeeding and a pacifier without any problems while others will develop a preference for one or the other. Impulsive newborn babies and infants with colic or an overactive desire for non-nutritive sucking may benefit from the use of a pacifier.
In any case, pacifiers can be exceptionally dangerous for infants, sleepy babies, and newborn children who experience issues nursing. The utilization of a pacifier could likewise influence mother milk supply if your infant is not breastfeeding as much as he typically would on the grounds that he is utilizing the pacifier.
The utilization of a pacifier has been appeared to decrease the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
- Pacifiers can alleviate an infant with reflux1 or colic.
- Premature babies who utilize a pacifier may put on more weight and leave the hospital sooner.
- The utilization of a pacifier might comfort your kid during stressful or painful situations.
- Many children have a need to suck in any event, when they are not hungry. A pacifier can fulfill the craving for non-nutritive sucking.
- Pacifiers are helpful during travel by plane. Sucking can relieve painful pressure in the middle ear.
- The early introduction of a pacifier could get in the way of your baby's ability to latch on and breastfeed. This can cause breast problems such as sore nipples, engorgement, plugged milk ducts, and mastitis.
- The early use of a pacifier can interfere with the development of the mother's milk supply.
- Some studies show that the utilization of a pacifier is linked to an increased risk of ear infections.
- Pacifier use may lead to early weaning.
- The long-term use of a pacifier can cause some problems with your child's teeth.
- Even with the continuous use of the pacifiers, kids can become attached to their pacifiers, which results in difficulties for your child to give up using the pacifier when the time comes.
Pacifier Tips
If pacifiers are part of your plan, pursue the given guidelines below to keep your baby safe and healthy:
- Try to use the best brand of pacifier that is free of bisphenol-A (BPA). Studies have raised worries about its impacts on newborn children.
- Don't protect a pacifier to your baby with a cord -- it's a choking danger.
- Get the perfect size. Match it to your child’s age to ensure it fits his mouth properly.
- Don't let children share a pacifier among them. You don’t want them to share germs.
- Always wash pacifiers with soap and hot water to keep them clean between uses.
- Pick a pacifier with perfect ventilation holes in the shield to let air pass in.
- Give the pacifier as it is. If you sweeten it, it can damage your baby’s teeth.
Natural Alternatives to Pacifier Use
Use the following tried-and-true methods to soothe baby which can be a better natural alternative to pacifier use:
- Massage
- Soft music
- Rocking
- Gently “shushing”
- Babywearing
- Skin-to-skin
- Sucking on mom or dad’s finger (wash your hands first though!)
- And of course, just suckling at the breast!
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