National Webmistress Day 2019

National WebMistress Day recognizes women in web development on August 26.

National Webmistress Day 2019
National Webmistress Day 2019

We often hear a lot of talk about webmasters, those fantastic men who work really hard developing the internet every day. Without them, the digital world wouldn’t be as incredible as it is. Or would it? You see, not all of those architects of the internet were men. Webmistress Day celebrates these women and the role they play, giving them equal time and attention they deserve.


National WebMistress Day recognizes women in web development on August 26.

A WebMistress is a woman who designs, develops, markets and maintains websites. The term has existed since the mid-1990s. The term officially entered technology’s lexicon in June of 1995. That month, Kat Valentine secured the domain name Taking the name a step further, Valentine then began web development under the job title WebMistress. Comparatively, the term WebMaster arrived on the scene as early as 1986, according to various classified ads.

Now, thousands of women work under the job title WebMistress. More than 20 years later, the word still raises eyebrows. However, WebMistress has a place not only on the résumé but is a legitimate job title in the business world. Take the time to acknowledge the women in web development to promote the job title in the business and lose the stigma associated with the word.


Kat Valentine founded National WebMistress Day in June of 2016 to promote women in web design. Additionally, the day celebrates the legitimacy of the job title.


Share your experiences in web design. While you’re at it, give a shout out to an outstanding WebMistress you know.

Use #nationalWEBMISTRESSday on social media to show you are a woman web designer. Also, use the hashtag to demonstrate pride in working under the title WebMistress.