How to deal with post delivery stretch marks?

Stretch marks medically known as striae distensae mostly occur during pregnancy. Stretch marks are just like as they sound and appear on your skin when it is stretched. When your body expands and grows rapidly, skin is pulled tight over new mass which is formed. Stretch mark is result of middle layer of skin or underlying tissues tearing from being stretched. These tears are visible on the skin.
Although, they can be annoying or unsightly but are not harmful at all and even don’t cause any health issues. Stretch marks after delivery are reality and every expecting mother has to face it like other problem such as swollen ankles and more. But, there is no need to worry anymore as you can get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy very easily and comfortably.
Tips for overcoming stretch tips :
There are many beauty treatments which you can undergo to get your beautiful and glowing skin back after pregnancy. In case, if you are tight with budget then many healthy tips are there which you can consider to get rid of stretch marks.
Moisture your skin:
Moisture, being a vital element that represents healthy skin needs to be maintained, carefully. It makes your skin bright and smooth, maintains outer layer of skin and also preserves elasticity of skin. But, along with all these one main benefit is that it heals stretch marks. So many skin care products are there which you can choose for this purpose.
Consider alfalfa leaves :
Alfalfa leaves are great source of rich minerals, proteins, vitamins and amino acid which keep your skin smooth and moist. They have anti fungal properties which help in healing stretch marks and also keep skin smooth. You can use alfalfa leaves by preparing a paste and then applying it on the marks.
Use egg whites :
Enzymes present in egg whites are very useful as they help in increasing elasticity of the skin. This helps in fading away stretch marks easily. You can apply egg whites by beating it lightly and then apply it on the affected area. If you want, then can also add some drops of almond oil or coconut oil for more benefits.
Laser treatment:
One of the best, high-tech and quite expensive way to overcome stretch marks after pregnancy. Laser treatment works by stimulating collagen in skin that activates new and healthy skin. This process is very helpful as it soothes your outer skin and also speeds up fading process of skin. Although, you will have some swelling or redness but recovery is much faster in this process.
With several beauty products available in market, you can easily get rid of post pregnancy stretch marks. The thing which you must keep in mind is that always go with an effective and natural procedure which do not carry any risks.
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